Friday, January 25, 2013

How to Deal With Late Employees

It is now time for work to begin and the person who is scheduled to come on board first thing in the morning has not arrived. However, this isn't the only person on the schedule who is tardy for his or her assigned shift: the fact of the matter is there are quite a few personnel who as of yet have not shown up. Persons who do not get to work on time; or cannot correspondingly manage their time well; take the morale of the entire workplace down a notch or two. Certainly as manager you've heard all kinds of reasons why individuals cannot show up on time: inclusive of reasons such as roadblocks; or unable to locate car keys. You as manager might wonder: Why can't the tardy employee accommodate such events by getting up plenty early? In fact you (additionally) wonder why you waste valuable time and monetary resources on such a person.

If you are in this situation (as manager) you are not alone. Late-arrival in the work environment has become a pressing concern for many organizations; and as alluded, affects (overall) production levels. In a specific survey performed amongst employees within American companies: results clearly showed one person out of five (individuals) came to work not on time generally one time per week. Further, this trend does not seem to be improving: workplace tardiness is on the increase each year. This is based on the fact: another survey conducted a year prior showed fifteen percent as the number of employees arriving late: a clear indicator employees are not recognizing that arriving tardy is indirectly robbing their employer of profits.

In order to remedy late-arrival within the working environment it is best to cover the reason(s) it even exists. One of the general excuses is the employee cannot make it to work (readily) or on time due to traffic. Other excuses relative to employee lateness have included a person receiving individuals to his or her home unexpectedly; difficulties getting the children ready for the school day; and illness. Needless to say, excuses become wearisome when they are constantly rendered to an employer. Ways to properly work through issues of workplace tardiness are provided below.

How to Deal With Late Employees

First off, begin by asking the individual for the excuse as to why he or she is showing up late. Also allow concern on your part to enter into the equation. This will allow the employee to take note that he or she is (being) recognized as coming into work (continually) late.

Inquire of the worker how he or she is planning on resolving the circumstance. Mutually agree on the answer to the problem the employee recommends; and then give the individual an opportunity to correct the situation. However, if the problem still persists, it rests upon your shoulders as employer to provide the employee with a verbalized warning. When so doing show the late worker all his employment detail as to lateness; and mention the proper starting time for work.

If a verbal warning falls on "deaf ears" provide the same worker with written notice. Provide a copy of the warning to the tardy individual and include a copy in your file after allowing him or her to sign it as confirmation a written warning (regarding tardiness) has been received.

Keep a daily check as to the individual's arrival to work and if you notice the two above actions have served purposeless; then do not waste a moment firing the late employee: this will set a precedent to other persons who have a tendency to arrive late for work.

As you may have perceived here: actually resolving employee lateness to work is a very cut and dry process. It is the general requirement of each and every employee to practice time management in such a way that tardiness does not (ever) become a problem. It is upon the employee's shoulders to assure his or her domestic life does not interfere with the work schedule.

In order to attain the proper acknowledgment and regard within the work environment requires the employee adhere to the standards of the organization. Continued lateness can have critical consequences as it pertains to an individual's position. However that said it is still an issue that can easily be remedied once the employee learns how to properly manage his or her time.

How to Deal With Late Employees
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Our Recommendation

You might want to most definitely check out Fendza, online employee scheduling software. Highly recommended.

Fendza automatically creates perfect work schedules (with no time conflicts) by taking all those employee requests, their hours of availability, business needs, locations, etc. and doing all the plugging calculations for you; saving you hours of work and headaches. It even lets your employees login online and check their work schedules, submit employee requests, set their hours of availability, and much more.

For more information about Fendza, check out their website at: Employee Scheduling Software

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