With the economy spiraling downward and so many people struggling to make it, it is no surprise that the bosses of the world are loading on the work trying to keep their company thriving. If you're one of the many people that currently feels overwhelmed with work, you are not alone.
Here are some tips for getting through it with your head held high.
1) Prioritize - Many busy people find themselves not accomplishing the tasks they wanted to for the day and wondering where the time went. If this is the case, you need to prioritize. Each night before you head home from work, write down the three things that are most important for you to get done the next day.
If it will help you sleep at night, write out a schedule for exactly how you're going to get all of those things done. The next morning, you will already know exactly what you need to do, and when the day is over you'll know exactly where the time went.
2) Delegate and Eliminate - If you have prioritized and planned, and still can't manage to get everything done, maybe your plate is just too full. Write down everything you need and want to get done in one day, and put everything into one of three categories.
Category 1 is everything that you absolutely need to do, Category 2 is things you can have someone else do, and Category 3 is things that can be pushed back or not done at all. Hopefully you'll be able to eliminate a few things, and finish everything in Category 1.
3) Take Care of Yourself - Even though it may seem unfortunate at times, we are all human. Each of us has needs that we have to take care of in order to perform our best. One of the most important of these is sleep.
You may be tempted to work late and get an early start, but the truth is you will only be hurting your productivity. Sleep is a restorative process that repairs the body and mind, and you can't be successful without it. This may sound obvious, but remember to eat. And no, downing a granola bar at lunch time does not count.
Take the time to get your proper nutrition and you will be a much happier, healthier person. Also, take time, even if it's only a half hour, each day to relax and do something you enjoy. Losing yourself in your work can only result in more stress and more fatigue.
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