Friday, June 29, 2012

Waking Up With A Headache - How To Deal With It

Waking up with a headache can make it extremely hard to concentrate on work or other daily tasks and ruin your good spirits and motivation for the whole day. As unbelievable as it sounds research has shown that about 1 in 13 people suffer from chronic morning headaches. Can you imagine waking up with a headache every single day?!

If you get morning headaches from time to time, don't waste any time! Try to identify what is the underlying cause of your headaches? The reasons can be different. For example, if you had a tension headache before going to bed, there is a high possibility that you will wake up with the same headache in the morning. Migraine and cluster headaches can also strike you in the middle of the night or in the morning, although this happens rarely.

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Headaches caused by inflammation like sinus headaches on the contrary tend to get worse in the mornings due to postnasal drip (mucus drainage and collection down the back of the throat).

Waking Up With A Headache - How To Deal With It

However, in most cases people wake up because of rebound headaches. It Is very upsetting when doctors prescribe strong headache-relief medication or over-the-counter pain-killers to treat headaches over the long period of time. In reality, by taking more than three aspirin pills three times a week can turn your regular headache into rebound one.

Such medications as aspirin, ibuprofen and acetaminophen if taken on a daily basis interfere with the brain centers that are responsible for regulating the flow of pain messages into the nervous system. This is quite dangerous as with time your normal dosage of pain-killers/sedatives stops providing a full relief of the headache, which forces the sufferer to increase the dosage or take other medications. As soon as medication wears off (after 4 to 6 hours), the headache comes back, only this time it is stronger and longer lasting. In this case it is strongly suggested to switch to safer natural remedies for headaches as acupuncture, herbal medicines, massage and relaxation exercises.

There are chronic morning headaches, associated with sleep disorders like a sleep apnea, characterized by long pauses in breathing during sleep, teeth grinding and snoring. It is also important to make sure that your pillow is not too high and comfortable, otherwise your head gets jacked up and stays that way all night, pulling on the muscles on the back of your head and leading to a tension headache.

Most headaches do not need immediate attention, but there are some exceptions. For example, if it is a first headache that wakes you up from a sound sleep or it is accompanied by confusion, loss of sensations or difficulty communicating, you should seek professional help at once!

Waking Up With A Headache - How To Deal With It

To find out "21 Proven Ways to Conquer Your Headache" without using painkillers visit: []

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Saturday, June 23, 2012

How to Lose 10 Pounds in a Week - 8 Proven Tips That Helped Me to Lose 10 Pounds in One Week

I desperately needed to lose weight for my wedding. I have lost 13 pounds on the first week, and 10 pounds on the second. This is quite a short time for losing weight, and not very healthy, I know. However, this quick weight loss success was a kick-start for my weight loss journey, and it motivated me to keep losing weight, following natural and healthy methods later. I am going to share every single step I followed on the second week, that helped me to lose 10 pounds in 7 days.

Please keep in mind that extremely fast weight loss is never healthy.

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Here are the steps I followed after the first 7 days, to lose 10 pounds in a week:

How to Lose 10 Pounds in a Week - 8 Proven Tips That Helped Me to Lose 10 Pounds in One Week

1) First, I had a day of detox - to cleanse my body and lose weight even faster. I prepared a drink of lemon juice, ginger and honey mixed with water, and drank this detox drink during the day. Whenever hungry, I just drank it. I felt good, as I normally do, no cramps, no lack of energy, nothing. This was not hard at all, and I am sure it boosted my weight loss results. I know some people do the whole week of detox, but this is not for me.

2) I limited the amounts of foods, because I really needed to lose weight so fast. I had plenty of vegetables, lean meat, fish, eggs, and some fruits (mostly apples and oranges). My new rule of eating was this: half of the plate should be veggies (just tried to avoid too much potato), ¼ of the plate - white meat or fish, and the rest can be fruit (no bananas because they are too sweet and starchy). I know that eating less is not always an option for a long lasting weight loss. But it surely is an option for fast weight loss, and that`s what my goal was. An easier way to reduce the amount of food is to get a smaller plate. However, eating less was pretty hard, I admit. But I reached my goal, and I am so happy now.

3) I added 2 apples an one can of black beans to my daily diet. I had the beans as my main meal, or split them into 2 smaller meals and had with veggies on the side. This is a trick that no diets tell. And it works wonders, because 35 grams of fiber in a daily diet truly supercharges weight loss. These fibers clean the digestive tract and improve digestion.

4) I started to eat breakfast and stopped eating at night. 7 PM was the latest time of the day when I had my dinner. Breakfast boosted my metabolism and helped me to burn calories faster, although I never believed it could be so important for weight loss. It kept me energized as well. I got at least 10 glasses of water during the day, and I still do - water cleanses the body, increases metabolic rate, and does not let you feel hungry.

5) I distributed my usual calorie intake during the day. I started to eat 5 times a day, having smaller meals. This way I never had to go hungry.

6) I limited fat, sweet and not so healthy food, and whenever I felt like I need to eat something unhealthy, I moved those meals to the first part of the day. Because metabolism is higher in the morning compared to the evening, and this let me eat a donut or ice cream once every few days.

7) Instead of drinking juice, I had a fresh fruit every time. Juice is too sweet for weight loss, if you`re thirsty, get some water or unsweetened green tea.

8) I kept myself motivated and busy all the time. I know that when you`re busy, you have no time to go to the kitchen. This works wonders.

This plan might sound too simple to lose 10 pounds in a week - but follow this plan religiously, and you will see real results.

How to Lose 10 Pounds in a Week - 8 Proven Tips That Helped Me to Lose 10 Pounds in One Week

If you would like to know how I lost even more weight on the first week, make sure you grab the Free weight loss guide packed with many incredible proven tips, at the lose 10 pounds in a week website! You would actually have to TRY to mess it up and not to lose weight by following those steps!

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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

How to Get a Bigger Penis Without Spending a Dime

If you're on a tight budget or simply are reluctant to spend your money on penis enlargement methods that might not work, there are ways to get a bigger penis without spending a dime and this article will reveal to you how you can accomplish that. Firstly, let's talk about the efficiency of various penis enhancement methods.

Penis exercises - these exercise programs are among the most effective ways of enlarging your penis size. They work by forcing your penis chambers (called Corpora Cavernosa) that hold the blood during an erection, to expand thus enlarging your penis size. For these exercises to work, you are required to practice them for 15 minutes/day. There are a number of websites that offer a set of these exercises for free. Although these free exercises are basic, they do work and you can definitely see results by practicing them on a daily basis.

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Penis extenders - these extenders are also called "medical devices" and they were initially created to correct penile curvature. They work on the same principle as the exercises: the constant traction applied on the penile area forces the cells to multiply and increase the penis size. This method is the most expensive but also the most efficient one.

How to Get a Bigger Penis Without Spending a Dime

There is a way to use the extender for free: reputable companies offer, sometimes, special deals where you get all your money back if you simply send them before and after photos.

Lastly, there are those penis pills free trials but here you must be extra careful. These offers are usually run by companies selling low quality pills. If you really want to try them, don't forget to cancel the trial BEFORE the end date, if you're not satisfied with the results.

How to Get a Bigger Penis Without Spending a Dime

If you're ready to get a bigger penis size without spending any money, here are some reliable resources you can use to accomplish just that:

Free Penis Enlargement Exercises - A reputable website where you can find a set of very efficient free exercises along with reviews of some of the most popular enhancement pills available on the market.

Free Penis Device - On this website you'll find a special opportunity to get a totally free penile extender.

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Sunday, June 17, 2012

Xbox 360 3 Red Flashing Lights Error Code Fixes

IntroductionThe infamous xbox 360 3 red flashing lights aka "Red Ring Of Death" need not trigger a panic attack as visions of costly repairs are conjured up. The xbox 360 provides for secondary error codes which give more information as to the actual cause of the problem and so you can make an informed decision on what to do next.

Getting the secret code
Turn the xbox 360 on, and wait for the xbox 360 3 red flashing lights indication. Press and hold the sync up button, which is a small white button, and whilst holding in the sync button press the eject button. The segments will now blink the first number of the code. Release the eject button whilst still keeping the sync button pressed. Press the eject button again and the segments will blink the second number of the xbox 360 3 red flashing lights secret code. Repeat the release and press sequence for a further two times to obtain the third and fourth numbers of the xbox 360 3 red flashing lights code. The flashing segments are interpreted as follows to get the code number:
(a)All four lights flashing - 0
(b)One light flashing - 1
(c)Two Lights flashing - 2
(d)Three lights flashing - 3.

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The Xbox 360 3 red lights secret codes
The following codes deal with over heating problems namely 0011 CPU over heating, 0012 GPU over heating, 0013 RAM over heating.
Network problems are indicated by 0002 Network Interface problem and 1030 which indicates a problem with the Ethernet port's controller chip.
DVD Drive Errors 1001 and 1002 indicate incorrect drive firmware, whilst 1023 indicates a DVD drive not connected.
Hard drive error 1003 indicates either a problem with the Hard Drive or its internal connection and 1010 a Hard Drive eProm problem.
Bad solder joint problems are covered by the following error codes.0021, 0010, 0022, 0100,0102, 0103, 0110,0121. If your console is still under warranty return it to the store where it was purchased or call MS to have it replaced. If it is our of warranty, then for instructions on how to fix the problem follow this link []
Miscellaneous problems include 1000, Kernel problems after bad update or a bad SATA cable. 0030 a problem with temperature control. 1022 either the "ANA" or "HANA" chips near the AV cable connection are faulty or the AV cable itself.
Code 0001 is a straight power supply problem. 0003 indicates that the console is not receiving clean power from the power supply..
The following codes refer to unknown problems 0023, 0031, 0032, 0033, 0101, 0200, 1011, 1012, 1013, 1020, 1021, 1031, 1032, 1033.

Xbox 360 3 Red Flashing Lights Error Code Fixes

The xbox 360 3 red flashing lights need not mean expensive repairs or being separated from your xbox for long periods of time. Understanding the secondary codes allows you to decide whether to carry out the repairs yourself or get someone else to repair your xbox 360.

Xbox 360 3 Red Flashing Lights Error Code Fixes

To find out more about fixing and maintaing your Xbox 360, why not download a free ebook by visiting []

Bill Williams is an electronics and software engineer who spends his spare time researching and writing on various topics.

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Thursday, June 14, 2012

Inspirational Grieving Quotes - Using Inspirational Grieving Quotes to Deal With Loss

Everyone at some point in their lives will deal with the death of a loved one, be it a family member, lover, friend, or pet. Using inspirational grieving quotes in art and art journaling is a healthy way to work through the grief and loss of a loved one.

When someone dies that you love dearly, there are so many stages of grieving you must go through. I don't think anyone really understands how complex grieving a death is. Death is not something that is talked about much in the U.S. culture. In movies it is usually depicted as something that doesn't really affect us emotionally, or something that the deceased one can come back from.

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Inspirational grieving quotes can and do help lots of people move through the grieving process, especially if they are combined with journaling and/or artwork creation. Below I've provided a couple of art ideas that you can use with inspirational grieving quotes.

Inspirational Grieving Quotes - Using Inspirational Grieving Quotes to Deal With Loss

But first, here are my top ten favorite quotes on death:

"For what is it to die, But to stand in the sun and melt into the wind? And when the Earth has claimed our limbs, Then we shall truly dance." - Kahlil Gibran " Death is the most beautiful adventure in life." - Charles Frohman "Life is eternal and love is immortal; And death is only a horizon, And a horizon is nothing save the limit of our sight." - Rossiter W. Raymond "The mystery of love is greater than the mystery of death." - Unknown "Death is not extinguishing the light; it is putting out the lamp because dawn has come." - Rabindranath Tagore "Our earthly loss is always a heavenly gain." - Antonio Talbert "Perhaps they are not stars, but openings in the Heaven, Where the love of our lost ones pours through and shines down upon us, To let us know they are happy." - Author Unknown "Death is not the end. Death can never be the end. Death is the road. Life is the traveller. The Soul is the Guide." - Sri Chinmoy "I think of death as some delightful journey that I shall take when all my tasks are done." - Ella Wheeler Wilcox "Death--- the last sleep? No the final awakening." - Walter Scott
Art Ideas For Use With Inspirational Grieving Quotes:

Letters to Heaven Mail Box

It doesn't need to be "Heaven", it can be The Universe, The After Life, etc. Find a shoe box (or other type of box) and decorate it in a way that you think a "mail box in heaven" would look like. Use your imagination. Write letters, create drawings, or write out quotes and poems to your loved one. Put your letters and drawings in envelopes and address them to departed one. Or find inspirational grieving quotes that move you and write them on postcards (these can be homemade). Put your letters and postcards in the mail box and visualize then being picked up by an angel or spirit and delivered directly to the addressee. Imagine how happy they will be to receive your letters.

Using Grieving Quotes in Art Journaling

Find a quote that really say what you're feeling. Print or write them out in big letters on pretty paper and cut them up into individual words. Next look for images in magazines or draw your own images. Paste the images onto a piece of paper or into a journaling book. Place the words that form the quote on the page. Move them around until you like the way they look on the page, but still keeping them in a reading order. Glue them onto the page. If you're using a journal, consider naming this journal as a "grieving journal or naming it after your loved one. If its on a piece of paper, decorate a large envlope or box to keep all of your grieving artwork in.

It doesn't matter if you don't believe they will ever see or read these inspirational grieving quotes or your artwork. What is important is doing these things will help you move thro your feelings and help you move through the grieving process.

Inspirational Grieving Quotes - Using Inspirational Grieving Quotes to Deal With Loss

You don't have to deal with the grief by yourself. There are many other quotes on death and grieving and many creative projects to help you deal with the lose of a loved one. You can find lots more help at the Self Help Healing Arts Journal: a free website that teaches people how to use art as a healing tool. To see more inspirational grieving quotes click here.

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Monday, June 11, 2012

How to Put Movies On Your PSP

Have you been pulling your hair out trying to put movies on your PSP? Many folks know it can be done but are confused on how to do it.

I am going to give you my quick and easy recipe for putting movies and video on your PSP. There are only a few steps and it is a cinch on you know how.

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First like any recipe...You have your ingredients:
How to Put Movies On Your PSP
512 MB Pro Duo Stick (This is what holds your movie files (MP4)
DVD Player installed in your computer
DVD Ripper (This pulls the movie from the DVD to your computer)
PSP Video Converter (converts movie and video files to MP4 format that you watch on your PSP.)
(Note: There is software that has both the DVD Ripper and Converter combined)
USB Cable
1. Load your DVD and fire up your DVD ripper, select the movie or video you want to put on your PSP and hit the "extract" or "rip" button. Tell it where you want to save the file to.
2. If you already have movie and/or video files on your pc then all you need to do is hit "add" from your DVD ripper and tell it where you want to save the file to.
3. Select the file that you saved to your computer and hit the "extract and/or encode" button from your PSP video converter and save that file.
3. If you have DVD Ripper/PSP Video converter combo software...You can combine steps 1,2 and 3.
At this point you have the files on your PC...and they are in the correct format.
4. How to download or transfer your movies to PSP? Just connect your PSP with your PC with the USB cable, and create a folder on your Memory Stick called "MP_ROOT." and create a sub-folder called "100MNV01." under it. Copy your MP4 files to this location (no need to copy the .HTM files).
5. Now on your PSP go to video and memory stick and watch your movie!
That's it. It is real simple to put movies on your PSP!
How to Put Movies On Your PSP
Travis Sago is a computer technician and PSP enthusiast and fanatic. Don't have a good DVD ripper or psp video converter? You can learn more at
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Friday, June 8, 2012

3 Signs He's Still in Love With You, Even After a Breakup

People break up every day and many of them still in contact. If you had broken up and you still contacting each other then both of you might get conflicting signals.

For example, your ex boyfriend might tell you he wants to be friends with you. He might tell you he wants some space away from you. He might ask you to give him some time to think about the breakup issue.

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The truth is: at the transitional period immediately after a breakup you cannot judge your ex boyfriend's behavior or predict his attitude. This is a time of emotional turmoil and your ex boyfriend's feeling will be high. So you need to wait for some time and build your judgment on a wider timeline. Because there are some signs you have to see before deciding if your ex boyfriend still in love with you.

3 Signs He's Still in Love With You, Even After a Breakup

Here are the strongest three signs he's still in love with you.

1- If you had a strong feedback from your mutual friends or family that he is still asking about you. You might get news that he is still following your updates and asking about you. That is a clear sign he is still interested in you. Usually when a couple breaks up they move on and live separate lives. Only if he is still interested and keen to get back to you he will try to know about you and how do you feel from time to time.

2- If he shows genuine feelings for everything that relates to you. For example if he had apologized very sincerely about something he had done or said; if he showed some emotions when he is talking to you, if his eyes sparkled when he looks at you. He might be interested in rekindling the flame of love.

3- When he meets you he would always talk about his suggestions if he had begun all over again with you like if he said: If we still dating I would do this and I would never do that. In this way he is unconsciously expressing how he would be doing if he was given a second chance with you. This implies that he really needs a second chance even if he does not deliberately say it.

If you get two or more of these signs from your ex boyfriend, you have a very good chance to get back to him. If you knew how to behave and what to do and say at the right place and time, you can win your ex back in no time.

3 Signs He's Still in Love With You, Even After a Breakup

I am interested in relationship and dating, I survived a break up with the love of my life and managed to get her back in less than a month, to download a free e-book on how to get back at your ex, please click here.

Surviving my own painful break up experience made me willing to help people not to fall in the same mistakes I have fallen into, please feel free to download my free e-book, and read more about my experience in my website

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Saturday, June 2, 2012

The 5 Best Cell Phones on the Market

There are literally hundreds of cell phones out there made by dozens of manufacturers. It is hard to determine which are the best of the group - or at least, which is best for you. The decision is a difficult one, and we hope the information below will help you make a wise choice. The five cell phones listed below are truly the best of the best in terms of quality design, dependability, and overall user satisfaction. Although there are a lot of great cell phones out there, we are sure that these are some of the very best.

Motorola i860 Video and Camera Mobile Phone

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Manufacturers Description: The sleek Motorola i860 is packed with more than a dozen top-of-the-line features including 10-second video capture and playback and a 0.3-megapixel camera with 4X digital zoom. In addition, it allows users to easily exchange digital photos and contact information with others.

The 5 Best Cell Phones on the Market

”The Motorola i860 handset is another example of how Motorola strives to meet our customers’ needs by offering one mobile device to streamline communications," said Rey More, senior vice president and general manager, Motorola’s iDEN® Subscriber Group. “Its multimedia services enable users to easily capture the moment when it happens and share it with others, wherever they may be.”

The phone’s 10-second video capture capability includes a short-range LED spotlight to provide additional light for close-up pictures. The camera allows users to take pictures in a variety of sizes suitable for sharing, in-camera viewing, wallpaper designs, and picture caller ID. Users can get themselves in the picture using the self-timer.

With the Motorola i860, users can share their pictures and audio recordings by sending and receiving multimedia messages.1 The phone’s integrated Media Center allows users to conveniently manage all pictures, voice recordings, ring tones, videos, and wallpaper designs from a single area.

Other features of the Motorola i860 that are new to iDEN handsets include:

Picture Caller ID - allows a previously-assigned picture of a caller to appear in the external display when a phone call is incoming from that contact

Larger external color screen - displays up to 3 lines of text and pictures

Larger internal color screen - displays up to 11 lines of text in vibrant color

Push-to-Send My Info2 - allows users to send their contact information via the “push-to-talk” (PTT) button. Users can limit the amount of information sent or send a virtual business card to network more efficiently.

Push-to-Send Contacts2 - allows users to easily share another user’s contact information via the PTT button

Media Downloader application – available for download from the Internet, this free application allows users to transfer photos and videos from their phone to their PC via a USB cable (not included)

25 MB of memory available to end users - for ring tones, voice recordings, videos, pictures, messages, wallpaper designs, and Java™ applications

MP3 ring tones - including music and voice

Openwave 7.0 Internet microbrowser - lets users browse graphic-rich xHTML sites

Push-to-open button - offers convenient, one-handed operation of the flip-style phone by mechanically opening the flip when pressed

The phone also has many of the features associated with Motorola’s iDEN technology, including location-based services, integrated speakerphone, voice recorder3, voice dialing, downloadable applications, and a two-way radio for instant communication at the touch of a button.

The Motorola i860 handset weighs 4.77 ounces and measures 3.45 x 1.96 x 1.01 inches with the included high performance battery.

Overall Value Rating: 9.7 / 10 - Excellent

Price: 0 - 0

Nokia 6230 Cell Phone (Cingular)

Manufacturers Description: Offering the best and latest technology and features, the Nokia 6230 meets the requirements of the most demanding mobile phone users. The tri-band (GSM, GPRS, EDGE 900/1800/1900, GSM, GPRS, EDGE 850/1800/1900) mobile phone offers multiple connectivity options via EDGE and Bluetooth wireless technology, a removable multimedia memory card as well as an integrated VGA camera to capture pictures and videos. Sleek and compact, the Nokia 6230 is expected to start shipping in Europe, Africa, Asia Pacific and Americas in the first quarter of 2004.

"Traditionally, mobile professional are early adopters of mobile technology, demanding advanced functionality and higher data speeds to keep them informed, entertained and connected while on the move," said Kai Öistämö," Senior Vice President, Nokia Mobile Phones. "With EDGE, Bluetooth technology, an integrated camera, MMS functionality and even an integrated MP3 player, the Nokia 6230 addresses these needs with an impressive range of features to help balance a busy work schedule with after-work responsibilities."

One of the key benefits of the Nokia 6230 is a compelling multimedia experience. With an integrated VGA camera and a display with 65,000 colors, pictures and videos taken with the Nokia 6230 appear sharp and bright. The video player adds the ability to record, send and receive video clips with audio, as well as receive streaming video content in 3GPP video streaming format. High quality video and images, voice, presentations, files and music can be stored on a removable multimedia memory card. Users can also create, send and receive multpicture, multimedia messages with Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL) technology. SMIL technology allows users to compose multi-image messages that display text, sound and images in a pre-determined order.

For flexible and efficient wireless connectivity, the Nokia 6230 phone offers Bluetooth wireless technology and infrared connectivity as well as HSCSD and GPRS support. Bluetooth enables a wide range of new exciting enhancements for seamless connections and comfortable wearability, like the Nokia 610 car kit phone and the stylish Wireless Boom Headset also announced today. The complete list of Bluetooth enhancements compatible with the Nokia 6230 can be viewed at [].

Using the high-speed packet-based EDGE connectivity of the Nokia 6230, business professionals can enjoy faster browsing, messaging and downloading. With a downlink data speed of up to 236.6 kbps, downloading with the Nokia 6230 via EDGE enables downloads more than 4 times faster than with GPRS.

In addition, the Nokia 6230 has a mobile email client that lets users manage their email quickly over EDGE, GPRS and HSCSD networks. The advanced xHTML browser gives fast access to mobile services and information, and the integrated TCP/IP technology** enhances both the ease and speed of over-the-air file downloads. Data synchronization capability allows users of the Nokia 6230 to update personal data remotely over the network. Local synchronization of personal data can also be done via Bluetooth, IrDa, USB and the Nokia PC Suite.

With the presence-enhanced contacts service, users of the Nokia 6230 can share their availability, intentions and whereabouts with colleagues, family, friends and other contacts. For example, a business professional can change his phone profile to 'Meeting' and advise his colleagues to reach him by SMS or MMS. Exchanging instant text messages is another interesting possibility with the presence-enhanced Chat function, where users of the Nokia 6230 can create their own private chats and invite others to participate, or even join public chats of their interest.

The Nokia 6230 also includes a digital music player for AAC/MP3 music formats. In addition to enjoying high quality stereo music, music enthusiasts can set their favourite music as wake-up tones as well as alert and ring tones.

Key features include:

Active TFT color display - with up to 65.536 colours

Integrated digital VGA camera

High speed packet-based EDGE and GPRS connectivity


Digital camcorder and video player

Video streaming including AMR audio

MMC Multimedia card support

Java MIDP 2.0

Presence-enhanced contacts and chat

MP3/AAC music player and built-in FM stereo radio

xHTML browser for enhanced mobile browsing experience

Advanced PIM functionality (calendar, phonebook, to-do list, notes)

OMA Digital Rights Management version 1.0

Mobile Wallet

Integrated hands-free speaker

Polyphonic ring tones (supporting up to 24 instruments)

Infrared, USB, PC Suite

76 cc, weighs 97 grams

Talk time of up to 5 hours and a standby time of up to 300 hours.

Overall Value Rating: 9.6 / 10 - Excellent

Price: 0 - 0

Motorola A630 Cell Phone (T-Mobile)

Manufacturers Description: Following in the footsteps of the game-changing Motorola StarTAC and the company’s revolutionary two-way pagers, the model A630 is yet another innovative new product from Motorola. Packaged in a unique, multi- functional design featuring a QWERTY keyboard hidden inside a sleek candy bar form, the Motorola A630 lets you call, text or email with style and ease.

From the outside, you see a fashionable, compact mobile handset. Once opened, the device reveals a full QWERTY keyboard that makes texting, email exchanges and Instant Messaging easy. The A630 does not stop there. For multi-media fun, the handset comes with an integrated camera with 4 x zoom, multi-media messaging for sending and sharing images, dedicated gaming keys and a vivid color display that offers portrait as well as landscape views. When its time to be productive, the A630 offers integrated Bluetooth® wireless technology, an office quality speakerphone and email support including POP3, SMTP and Imap4. The Motorola A630’s fusion of the mobile and messaging worlds without sacrificing weight, size or style makes it the ideal device for today's text-savvy trendsetting consumer.

With the debut of the model A630, Motorola delivers a uniquely designed handset that stands apart from the pack, promising simplified voice and messaging communications supported by the latest technology,” said James Burke, Sr. Director of Product Operations for Motorola, Inc. “With its clever combination of fun and function, the model A630 is sure to please style-conscious movers and shakers."

The Motorola A630 features include:

Full QWERTY keyboard with 5-way navigation for easy messaging, fun gaming and more

Integrated VGA camera with dedicated photo button for quick shoot and send power

220 x 176 pixel color landscape display capable of supporting up to 65,000 colors

Built-in Bluetooth wireless technology

Advanced messaging including Multi-Media Messaging Service (MMS), SMS, e-mail support (POP3, SMTP, Imap4) and multibranded IM (Instant Messaging)

GSM tri-band capabilities

J2ME™ downloading functionality

Integrated hands-free speakerphone

Polyphonic speaker for the ultimate sound and cool MP3 ringtones

Overall Value Rating: 9.3 / 10 - Very Good

Price: 0 - 0

Samsung p735 Cell Phone (T-Mobile)

Manufacturers Description: Featuring a package of design and multimedia features, the imaginative p735 is Samsung's first GSM megapixel camera phone in the U.S. With options that entertain, enrich and enhance a consumer's wireless experience, the p735 boasts an eye-catching twist and flip display and advanced multimedia technology, including a megapixel camera phone, video recorder, MP3 player and expandable memory.

The phone's distinct feature is a swivel form factor that allows the consumer to twist the display so that the vibrant 262,000-color screen rotates to a horizontal position, giving the phone a more camcorder-like feel and making picture taking and video recording easier. And with a megapixel camera, film-quality pictures can be stored and printed at sizes up to 4x6.

For moments such as upcoming holiday gatherings that require more than a quick snapshot, the video recorder is practical and convenient, and video and pictures can be shared wirelessly via T-Mobile's messaging services. While the phone's 64MB of internal memory provides space for pictures and video, the p735 comes with an RS MMC media slot and additional 32MB multimedia card so no moment is ever missed. In addition, the expandable memory slot offers space for easy and quick access to supplementary applications and games.

For those that still have the gamer in them but are too busy to play at home, the p735 acts as a gaming device with access to 3D games, including Metalion and Zio Golf. For music download addicts, the p735 comes equipped with a personal MP3 player, so downloading, playing and sorting music wirelessly becomes a convenience, not a hassle. Sounds come in clear with T-Mobile's HiFi Ringers and the device's pre-packaged headset provides a heightened auditory experience.

The p735 will change the way consumers view their wireless phone” said Peter Skarzynski, senior vice president of Samsung's wireless division. Whether using the phone to download and listen to music, or snapping pictures and video clips to send back to the office while on a business trip, the p735 will enhance consumers' digital lifestyle.

This is a truly fun phone” said Todd Achilles, director of handset product management for T-Mobile USA. “From the bright screen, to cool swivel design, and MP3 player to the megapixel camera, there's a lot to keep you entertained”


Integrated MegaPixel Digital Camera - Take pictures on the go. Enjoy one megapixel pictures plus digital zoom, multishot, and more.
RS MMC Media Slot - Add memory, applications, and store photos with a memory card.

MP3 Player - Download, play and sort your favorite tunes to listen to on your phone.

262 TFT Main Color Display - Makes everything come to life on your phone including photos, picture caller ID, and more.
Video Messaging - Record up to 15 second clips with sound and send them to other compatible phones.

Overall Value Rating: 9.0 / 10 - Very Cool

Price: 0 - 0

LG VX4600 Cell Phone (Verizon Wireless)

Manufacturers Description: The attractive VX4600 is the perfect mobile phone for consumers who are looking to express themselves with high-end quality, style and essential functionality. Its ultra-cool clamshell design, high-resolution internal color display, and innovative external OEL (Organic Electro-Luminescent) screen make an undeniable statement of style.

Basic Information:

Talk time: 200 minutes Standby time: 165 hours Size: 3.43H x 1.81W x 0.98D inches Weight: 3.38 oz

Basic Features:

1.9 Ghz PCS, 800 MHz CDMA (All Digital)

Enhanced Messaging Service (EMS) to send and receive text messages with graphics and sound

E911 Emergency Location-capable

2.5mm headset jack to accept universal hands-free headsets

65K TFD Main Color Display (120 x 160) 8 lines of Text

OEL Sub Display (96 x 38) 3 lines of Text

Blue Backlit Keypad

5-Way Navigation Key

CMX MIDI (musical instrument and games digital interface) for sounds and ringers

Large Phone Book: 499 contacts (each stores 5 numbers and 3 email addresses)

36 Embedded Ring Tones and download more

Vibrate and Silent Modes

Voice-Activated Dialing

Speed Dialing (99 Entries)

Bilingual (English and Spanish) capabilities

Personal Organizer: Calendar with Scheduler, Alarm Clock, Voice Memo, Notepad, EZ Tip Calculator, Calculator and World Clock

External USB Capable

1-Year limited warranty

Meets FCC SAR limit. Manufacturer's highest FCC reported SAR 1.22 at ear, .74 on body. Actual SAR may vary.

Overall Value Rating: 8.8 / 10

Price: 0 - 0

The 5 Best Cell Phones on the Market

Bradley James is the chief editor of the consumer electronics review website Get more information about cell phones, compare prices and read reviews at our best cell phones website.

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